Recipe : Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs

This shouldn't come as a surprise but we're big on football in this house.  Typically once football season rolls around, Sunday nights usually mean pizza for dinner but we had some friends over to watch the game recently and I decided we should do something a little different for food.  (So while I wrote all the ingredients and directions down on a piece of paper, I cannot for the life of me remember where I found the link.)  The husband pointed out the recipe for Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs looking mighty fine so that's what we did!

Can we discuss the amazingness that are slow cooker bags?  Discovered these things recently (yes, I'm slow to the game) and they're so awesome!  I'm no longer gagging while I clean the overnight soaked remnants out anymore.  Moving on!
Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs Recipe

  • Fresh mozzarella (I used a 'brick', for lack of a better term, that was about 7-8 inches long and that was definitely too much.  I had way more mozzarella than meat.
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 pound Italian sausage
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • 1/4 C Parmesan.  Use the shredded or flaked Parmesan, not the powdered canister know which kind I'm talkin' 'bout ;)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 1/2 C parsley
  • Jar of spaghetti sauce.  I used the homestyle marinara by Emeril.

  • Cut the mozzarella into roughly 1" cubes.
  • Put the remaining ingredients all into a large bowl.
  •  Combine with your hands.  Yes, it's kinda gross.  You could probably use a mixer to do this but I went the old fashioned 'by hand' route.
  • Form the meat mixture into about plum size meatballs.  Take a cube of mozzarella and sort of smoosh it into the middle of a meatball and bring the edges back over it so it still looks like a meatball.
  • Put a layer of sauce on the bottom of the crock pot and then add a layer of meatballs.  Keep doing this until you've used all your meatballs: sauce, meatballs, sauce, meatballs.  Et cetera ad nauseum.
  • Cover the crock pot and cook on high for 2 - 2.5 hours.  
I ate mine plain but the husband cooked up a little spaghetti to go with his.  Either way, these things are tha bomb.  Enjoy!

Harrison : 12 Months

So this post has just been waiting for me to get my act together and add like one sentence so I can hit publish.  Poor least I don't neglect the kid like I did the last couple monthly update posts!

Weight & Height: He had his 12 month check-up on his actual birthday.  Thankfully he's young enough that he won't remember Mom wasn't thinking clearly when she scheduled a doctor's visit and vaccines on his birthday.  I won't do that to you next year bud.  (Yes we's an informed decision we came to as a family for OUR family).

He had a bad cold for about a week before his birthday and wasn't eating a lot due to his nose being so stuffy so his weight at his appointment was only 22.6 pounds putting him about the 66th percentile for weight but his height is at the 94th percentile, just like big sister.  We make tall, skinny kids :)

Health & Milestones: Poor Harry had a bad cold the week before his birthday that thankfully I was able to manage pretty well with natural remedies: steamy bathroom, humidifier, essential oils and natural vapor rub.

Still no signs of him wanting to walk.  He's taken a couple steps here and there but then again, Selah didn't walk until she was 13 months either.  

Sleep: Harry has been having some weird habits at night that were not only odd but were also waking me up.  After talking it through with his doctor at his 12 month appointment, I learned he has parasomnia which is a category of sleep disorders.  This can include nightmares, sleep walking, etc.  Both Selah and Dan have this so it's definitely genetic.  After going into his room a couple times thinking he was in distress, I learned that he's actually asleep and waking him up only upsets him.  So I'll be trying some essential oils on the little guy here soon and fingers crossed that they help!

Personality: He is such a sweet little guy.  We think he may be a little more laid back and quiet than Selah.  And he definitely loves to be held and likes it when you give him kisses.  If you ask him for a kiss, he'll jam his forehead into your mouth and keep doing it over and over.  I'll take it as long as he wants to give it!

Diet:  He is now getting 2 cups of milk a day (breakfast and bedtime) after doing a 50/50 mix of that and formula to wean him off the formula.  He tolerated the change well and is certainly a big eater of all things solid.  Harry will usually end up eating more than Selah at each mealtime as well.  I love this stage where they'll eat pretty much whatever you'll give them!

Clothes: He's in mostly 18 month clothes with a few 18-24 month thrown in here and there, just depends on the brand.  As far as shoes go, I love the little fringed moccasins.  They're the best and pretty freaking cute too.

Likes: His food, your food, all food in general, big sister Selah, playing in the toy room, his blanket...can't sleep without it. 

Dislikes: Taking too long to get his meal ready.  You'd think the kid hadn't eaten in days by the way he carries on.  Also doesn't like being buckled into his car seat.  He's fine once he's in the seat; it's just the getting him secured part he hates.

Can't believe I've done a year of these updates!  It's fun to look back on these but also makes me a little sad.  Hard to believe my little man is getting so big.  Haven't decided if I should keep going with the monthly updates now that he's a year...we'll see ;)