Harrison : 9 Months

Weight & Height: He had his 9 month checkup last week and he was 21.4 pounds and 29 1/2" tall.  He's not small, that's for sure!

Health & Milestones: He's been picking up speed with his crawling although sometimes a little too fast for his hands because he wipes out and hits the floor face first :(  He's also pulling himself up on just about everything and walking around furniture.  I have a feeling he will be walking long before Selah did at 13 months.

Sleep: 90% of the time, he's great with sleep.  Nighttime, he's great but it's those naps where we have trouble sometimes.  Not sure if it's his teeth or what but the duration of his naps is all over the place lately.  Some days it's 3 hours in the afternoon, others it's 45 minutes.

Personality: He's still my happy little butterball but boy does he love his people.  He's good going to people he doesn't know as well which works for us when we want a night out, which doesn't happen a lot because I'm old and don't like staying out late :)

Diet: He's getting better about eating solids.  He definitely does not want you to help him either!  So he's definitely on the Baby Led Weaning route for sure.  Every baby is different so I'm just trying to go with it :)

Clothes: He's fully in 12 month clothes now and even a couple of those are getting shorter.  It's still stupidly hot here so I'm not sure if I should get a few 18 month short sleeve outfits or just make the 12 month shirts work until it's cold enough to go with the long sleeve 18 month shirts I have for him.

Likes: Puffs, your food, big sister Selah, Remi, stuffed animals, his blanket...can't sleep without it. 

Dislikes: Being walked away from if he's hungry or tired and he'll let ya know it!

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