A Little Something Exciting . . . Boutique Tresor!

For awhile, I've been wanting to do something a little more with my free time because clearly I'm insanely delusional thinking that having 2 young kiddos equals lots of time twiddling my thumbs.  My photography business is still going well and while I'm not looking to get rid of that any time soon, I was looking for something to do that could easily be done from behind a computer screen for 90% of the time.

Having a daughter is both a blessing and a curse in that there are a gazillion different adorable outfits for them to wear but it also can quickly drain the ol' wallet quickly.  Dressing Selah in super cute and unique outfits that don't bankrupt us was proving to be somewhat difficult.  I primarily shop at Target for most of her basics (tees, tanks, leggings, etc.) but when it came to getting her outfits that had a little something special to them, I was looking at spending way more than I wanted to.  So in searching online for some affordable yet cute boutique outfits, I kinda had an epiphany.  Or an epiphery as Michael Scott calls it.  Why not open an online boutique that sells these super cute and unique outfits that everyone can afford because you shouldn't have to go into debt to make your little girls look adorable!

Thus, Boutique Tresor was born!  Boutique Tresor sells unique girls boutique outfits with a little something extra without taking the extra from your wallet.  I'm currently working on the online storefront to get it just how I want it but am taking orders through the Facebook page in the meantime which can be found here.  So far, we've received these 2 super cute orders in and my model is a big fan ;)

Be sure to like the Facebook page and keep an eye out for upcoming outfits!  I thank you in advance for your business and support!

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