Harrison : 3 Months Old

Weight: He weighs 14.4 pounds and is quite the little chunker.  He has some serious rolls on his legs and is getting some on his neck and arms too.  Selah was never a chunky baby so I'm loving his rolliness!

Health: Dan and I had some weird viral thing for about a week and a half.  Not sure if it was a low dose of the flu since we both had our shots but it was annoying to say the least.  Headaches, sore throat, chills, body aches.  Come to find out, Harrison had a touch of it as well but I didn't realize it at the time.  His sudden zero napping during the day and scream fests should've tipped me off that he was sick but when you don't have obvious symptoms like what a cold shows you, I didn't know.  Thankfully he's feeling better and back to his cheerful and napping self :)

Sleep: Minus the awful week where he was sick and was not napping at all, he's been doing great.  He's had 2 nights where he slept from 6:30pm to 6:15-6:30am.  I was pumped!  Otherwise, he's pretty regularly going 7-8 hours a stretch.  Naps are going better and while he's taking them in his Mamaroo at the moment, I'll take it because we're in the middle of moving and I need all the time to pack I can get!

Personality: I'm loving how smiley he's gotten this past month.  He gets very chatty with me and loves to talk with you.

Diet: Still going strong with the breastfeeding...woohoo!  Given how chunky he is and the amount of rolls he has on his legs, I'd say he's doing quite well :)

Clothes: He's definitely out of all his 0-3 month onesies.  We're in this weird in between phase with the weather so I'm unsure if I should get more long sleeve 3-6 month onesies or short sleeve.  It's 80 degrees right now today but tomorrow could be snowing.  You never know here.

Likes: He loves his playmat and the little 'mobile' on his Mamaroo.  Being held is definitely preferred for him and that will keep him pacified for quite awhile.

Dislikes: Dude does not like his car seat.  Not sure if it's the specific car seat itself or just being at that angle but he's not a fan.  I'd like to wait to get him a convertible car seat until he's able to sit up by himself for when we go out to eat and such and can sit in a high chair so hopefully he can hold out just a little while longer.

Postpartum: I'm feeling good and glad that I can workout again.  Although that's been on hold with this upcoming move because my free time has been taken over by packing.  Really looking forward to getting to the new place so I can get back on the fitness train!

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